

Chase the flavor

As well known and we are very busy all days advice you. Us of before arriving, so we can guarantee your seat. Us of before arriving, so we can.

The Chef


Our Special recipes

  • paradise-Indian-cuisine

Leavened bread stuffed with homemade farmer’s cheese and spinach.

  • paradise-Indian-cuisine

Garlic Naan Bread

Indian leavened bread flavored with chopped garlic.

  • paradise-Indian-cuisine

Plain Naan Bread

Royal Indian leavened bread baked in a tandoor oven.

  • paradise-Indian-cuisine

Ras Malai (dessert)

A Bengali dessert consisting of soft paneer balls immersed in chilled  creamy  milk. Like Rasgullas,…

  • paradise-Indian-cuisine

Plain rice

Basmati rice and aromatic spices cooked in their own aroma.

  • paradise-Indian-cuisine

Prawn Biryani

Basmati rice cooked with shrimp, onion sauce, tomatoes, ginger, garlic and spices.

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Special dishes

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Our team

Our experience chefs

Michael Gordon

Assistant chef

Michael Gordon

Assistant chef

Michael Gordon

Assistant chef


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